Travel Grants

On a competitive basis, IEEE CAI 2023 is pleased to offer a limited number of travel grants to those who have co-authored an accepted peer-reviewed poster abstract for the conference and who have registered as an author to attend the conference. These grants are being made available through the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society as well as the IEEE Computer Society Technical Community on Pattern Analysis and Machine Learning (TCPAMI) to help encourage participation by those who would normally find it difficult to attend in person. Women, minorities, undergraduate or beginning graduate students, are especially encouraged to apply. No more than one individual per institution will be supported.


Each applicant must be a Member of the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society or IEEE Computer Society at the time he/she applies for the grant;

  • Each applicant must be a co-author of an accepted paper in IEEE CAI 2023 and present it at the conference;
  • Those applying for student travel grants must be a full-time student registered toward a Bachelor, Masters, or PhD degree in computer science, engineering or related field in a college or university at the time he/she applies for the grant;
  • During the expense reimbursement stage, the applicant must show the proof of having registered to attend IEEE CAI 2023.
  • Conference Travel Grant for IEEE CIS or IEEE CS Students: This program offers a limited number of grants to assist IEEE CIS Student Members to present their work at IEEE CAI 2023.
  • Conference Travel Grant for Researchers from Developing Countries: This program offers a limited number of travel grants to assist IEEE CIS or IEEE CS Members of any grade higher than Student to present their work at IEEE CAI 2023. 
  • “Industry Early Career” Travel Grant: This program offers a limited number of travel grants to assist IEEE CIS or IEEE CS Members working in industry, who are within 2 years of their graduation, to present their work at IEEE CAI 2023. 

The grant will be in the form of digital reimbursement of a fixed amount after the in-person participation in the conference as a registered attendee. The approved amount will be typically USD $500 for intra-continental (within North America) participants, and USD $1000 for inter-continental (outside North America) participants.  

For full instructions on how to apply and the application submission link, please visit IEEE CIS Conference Participation and Travel Grants page:

NOTE: We are making use of this IEEE CIS Conference Participation and Travel Grant page for both IEEE CIS and IEEE CS members.

For any queries regarding the grants, please contact the CIS travel grants subcommittee chair Dr. Hemant Singh ([email protected]).    

The applications can be submitted after the paper notifications have been sent, up to the deadline of May 19, 2023. The outcomes will be communicated by May 26.

How to become an IEEE CIS member?  



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We extend our sincere appreciations to the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society and IEEE Computer Society for providing support for these important travel grants.